Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Snow on the Mountain

We woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow this morning and it is still coming down. I just can't imagine how the troops during the civil war were able to maneuver through the country in this type of climate. We sit in our heated homes all cozy and can choose when to step out and hop into our preheated vehicles. Union and Confederate troops were on foot or horse with light clothing (compared to today’s standards) and not much in the way of food rations most of the time.

1 comment:

Jean McGrury said...

Hi Terri,
Please psot a picture of the snow. I love reading your blog. Are you planning on writing a book? I need to get my letters in thr mail to you.... So Bad! Also I was wondering if i might be able to ask you a few questions regarding your sister if it doesnt bring up to many sad memories. my email is mcgrury@gmail.com
thanks Jean